Teaching Philosophy

My teaching practice centers around ease, balance, focus, joy, freedom, and a sense of play. Through our agency, we have the freedom to find conversations with our sonic environment leading us to more comfortable, natural, and safe ways of being.

My pedagogy is based on two fundamental human principles. First, all people are born musical,  and the development of our unique musical identity is the right of all human beings. Second, human beings are biologically wired to find connection and safety in community, music allows us to connect sounds across a diverse group of people.

Student musicianship is developed through play, that is learning to find joy and beauty in oneself and others as a state of being. In childhood development, this is referred to as the skills of healthy self-regulation and co-regulation, in polyvagal theory this supports the toning of the myelinated vagus nerve. 

My teaching is childhood development informed and centered around the development of tone, and the principle emphasis on call-and-response styles of learning. This allows for the freedom and the balance of the body to be prioritized. 

The study and practice of music are lifelong endeavors. Through the study of music, we gain self-knowledge and awareness as well as position ourselves in our broad cultural history of the land and its peoples. Throughout my life, my own musical education and musical practice have been sources for deep personal growth with the humility and joy the instrument teaches.